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If you’re not 100 per cent certain your emergency plan is reliable, then it probably isn’t up to scratch.

We simply can’t predict an emergency. Having a highly efficient and well-thought-out emergency plan is a business imperative, no matter how low the risk of emergency seems to your business. Creating a strong emergency evacuation plan can be a daunting task, but it can mean the difference between life or death. Here are some of the signs of a strong emergency evacuation plan:

Your plan is right for your facility

It’s not good enough to just have a plan. The plan also needs to be the right one, customised to the specific needs of your organisation. It must also consider several critical business areas, hazards and risks. There are several emergency management guides created by the Australian government to help you better understand the process of developing an emergency evacuation plan:

You have clear evacuation diagrams

Your plan needs to be communicated in the most effective way possible, which is why evacuation diagrams are crucial. Exceptional evacuation diagrams are adequately sized and sit at eye level. They are placed in areas that are extremely easy to see by everyone on the premises, whether occupant or visitor. They also mark out a visible pathway from the location where the diagram is to the nearest safe exit. In addition, they clearly show any vital safety information for that specific building, while clearly highlighting the location of fire equipment.

Your team is equipped to deal with emergencies

Your team is a fantastic asset when it comes to executing your evacuation plan – don’t waste them. Training your staff in the ins and outs of your plan is crucial, and could mean the difference between the safe evacuation or putting your employees in danger. It’s important to note that emergency signs should merely remind your staff of your evacuation plan; they should never be the first point of instruction. In addition to understanding the plan, your staff may need to have fire equipment training. You should also allocate certain staff members to certain evacuation roles, ensuring each have a clear understanding of what’s involved in each type of emergency.

Update and improve your plan

Your facility probably doesn’t look the same as it did a year, two years or even five years ago – so why should your emergency plan remain unchanged? Remember, there’s no use in having an emergency evacuation plan if it doesn’t match your building and its exact specifications. In fact, an outdated plan that no longer meets your requirements can be dangerous, causing confusion and chaos in everyone’s most vulnerable time. It’s essential to consider how any changes to your set-up, floor plan or layout may impact your emergency plan. After all, things like relocation, expansion, staff changes and even the seasons may mean you need to update your emergency plan.

Ready to improve the safety of your building? is here to help you. Our expert team creates safe and efficient evacuation plans that take the stress out of emergency planning. Contact us for more information today!